27 Quotes & Sayings By Andrew Vachss

Andrew Vachss is the author of numerous true crime novels, including "The Murderers Among Us" and "The American Boy". He has also written two nonfiction books: "A Child's Rights: A Parent's Guide to the Child Protection System" and "Kind and Usual Punishment: The Criminal and Civil Justice Systems and What They Are Doing to Our Children". Vachss lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Susan.

I want to disabuse people of the idea that knowledge...
I want to disabuse people of the idea that knowledge is power. Knowing how to get to Detroit is not the same thing as having the bus fare. Andrew Vachss
Fear is an enemy that can be killed only at...
Fear is an enemy that can be killed only at close range. The closest range of all is intimacy. The deeper the fear is embedded in one’s spirit, the more vulnerable it is. Andrew Vachss
If a train is coming at you, closing your eyes...
If a train is coming at you, closing your eyes won't save you ... but if you look right at it, you at least have a chance to jump. Andrew Vachss
Camouflage doesn't help when the other guy is willing to...
Camouflage doesn't help when the other guy is willing to defoliate the whole jungle. Andrew Vachss
It's the family you choose that counts. Andrew Vachss
Family' is not just a biological word, it's an an operative one. Andrew Vachss
A couple of buffoons were running for some state-senate seat just vacated by the incumbent's prison term. One accused the other of being "against the Internet" - a knockout punch in a world where whole hordes of humans think better sex is a faster modem. Andrew Vachss
If love would die along with death, this life wouldn't be so hard. Andrew Vachss
From the very second that two people sat together around a fire in the forest, there was another human out there who felt better in the dark. Andrew Vachss
People who don't have much get ugly about giving up the little they have left. Andrew Vachss
Be he the first to stand or the last, a man must stand, " the father had told his adoring son. "And if there is only one man, then that man must stand alone." ~Thomas to Bruce Wayne Andrew Vachss
You want proof evolution is for real, don’t waste your time with fossils; just check out the New York City rat. They started out as immigrants, stowaways in some ship’s cargo hold. Only the survivors got to breed, and they’ve been improving with every new litter. Smarter, faster, stronger. Getting ready to rule. Manhattan wouldn’t be the first island they took over. Andrew Vachss
Stealing to eat ain’t criminal–stealing to be rich is. Andrew Vachss
Most investigators don't even know what the word means. You stop the cops from using informants and the only crimes they'd ever solve would be those by deranged postal workers who come to work once too often. Andrew Vachss
Cats are the lap-dancers of the animal world. Soon as you stop shelling out, they move on, find another lap. They're furry little sociopaths. Pretty and slick -- in love with themselves. When's the last time you saw a seeing-eye cat? Andrew Vachss
A dog is like a person–he needs a job and a family to be what he’s meant to be. Andrew Vachss
A free press doesn't mean it's not a tame press. Andrew Vachss
The worst place to be is in the middle. When elephants fight, the grass gets trampled. Andrew Vachss
The more bullets flying, the less accurate each individual slug has to be. Andrew Vachss
That’s Manhattan today–all the money goes up top, while the infrastructure wastes away from neglect. The famous skyline is a cheap trick now, a sleight-of-hand to draw your eye from the truth, as illusory as a bodybuilder with osteoporosis. Andrew Vachss
The goal of a true family is not that their children follow in their footsteps, but that their children surpass them in all ways. Andrew Vachss
The Bowery station on the J line is what happens to a neighborhood once politicians realize the people who live there don’t vote. Andrew Vachss
He said when the Lord made people He made them all the same for starters. But life marks people. If you know the way, you can read them like maps. Andrew Vachss
There is no Constitutional right to prey on others. The Internet is just a piece of technology, like the telephone. Society has the right to modify its uses. Andrew Vachss
Ours is a country where anything can be accomplished if enough people get angry... because, in America, we act on our collective anger. Andrew Vachss
Journalism is what maintains democracy. It's the force for progressive social change. Andrew Vachss